Dwarfs VS Orc n Goblins 6e

Dwarfs VS Orc n Goblins 6e

Game three of three and a breaker of ties!

Dwarfs L-R: Gyrocpoter, 10 Rangers, Rune Lord, 20 Long beards, 20 troll slayers, Dragon Slayer, 10 Thunderers, 19 dwarf warriors, Organ Gun,

Orc n Goblins L-R: Bolt thrower, 20 Night Goblin archers, Goblin wolf chariot, Giant, 30 Common goblins, 12 Squigs, 3 Trolls,30 Night Goblins, Black Orc Big Boss, Night Goblin Shaman, 40 Night Goblins, Stone Thrower, 10 Goblin Wolf Riders.

Dwarfs Turn One

Slayers push forwards and the Gyro and Rangers speed towards the Bolt thrower and archers on the hill! Rune of air kills two archers In a whoosh of misted green blood.

Orc n Gobs Turn One

The Goblin Line moves up!
Giant and chariot defend their left flank.
Catapult fails to hit the enemy, the stone falling just short. Bolt Thrower and Archers fail to do wounds against the Gyro or Rangers.

Dwarfs Turn Two

Gyro Charges the Bolt thrower and fails to wound and a goblin does one in return!
The Gyro breaks from combat spinning out of control off the table!

Dwarf warriors reposition to the right, slayers pushing up, and the Gun line unleashes a deadly barrage against the 30 Strong Night Goblins who hold their ranks driven on by the Black Orc General.

Orc n Gobs Turn Two

Release the Fanatics! One goes through the Organ gun and inflicts one wound on the gun itself, leaving the crew baffled. Another goes through the thunderers, followed by a magical missile killing all but two of their number. The thunderers hold, passing their panic test. Giant moves over to threaten the Rangers and a rock slams into one in the moments following. not to mention the Bolth thrower and archers kill enough to incite panic and they flee. All other fanatics fail to make contact spinning with a remarkable lack of speed( the Goblin BSB shouts obscenities as all of his MadCap Mushrooms go to waste.
Wolf riders on the goblin right circle around the dwarf flank threatening their line.

Dwarf Turn Three

Rangers, after a failed panic check earlier, now failed to rally and fled off the table! Longs Beards move up to join the slayers in the battle line!

More Goblins fall to the Organ Guns ferocity and a Fanatic is destroyed by the remaining two Thunderers! For Grungi!

Orc N Gob Turn Three

Night goblins suffer from a fit of brawling, legs and arms are seen poking out of the dust cloud in a flurry of screeching fisticuffs. Two More fanatics crash into difficult terrain and splatter amongst the boulders and bushes while the two other remaining Fanatics spin erraticly around the Organ gun and Thunderers

Trolls lumber forward slowly as drool and flatulence dominate their attention.

The Stone Thrower scores a direct hit against the Fanatic making sure it didn’t hit the precious Goblin wolf riders to the back.

Common Goblins and squigs move up while the chariot and giant move up after shuring up their flank!

Dwarf Turn Four

Now that the Fanatics had bashed themselves into a bloody slurry, Slayers and Long beards move up to face the approaching Giant, Squigs and chariot. Warriors turn to face the wolfriders and protect the dwarf rear. The Rune lord gets a massive Rune of Earth to work crushing most of the wolf riders amongst the rubble!

The Trusty Organ Gun opens up a can of Whoopass on the remaining Night Goblins and only the Goblin BSB remained! His sense of security significantly diminished! Trolls taking wounds but regeneration keeps them fit and unhealthy.

Orc N Gob Turn Four

Night Goblins fight amongst themselves for another turn and the Giant, Squigs and Chariot Charge into their sworn enemies, Slaying Many a Slayer!
The N Gob Shaman miscasts, his body wreathed in green smoke but otherwise good to go.

Wolf Riders reposition and attempt to be sneaky staying out of reach of two dwarf units while a rare accuracy smites down upon the Organ Gun!! Waaaagh!

Dwarf Turn Five

Long beards finally get their chance to avenge their fallen slayer-kin, hoping to secure the giants flank, still pile in, their majority to its front. warriors now within reach of the wolf riders, send them fleeing back.

*Note: we lost a round in here for my photos are a bit mishmashy, but the Warriors maneuvered to engage the goblins on the left and charged eventually.

OnG Turn Five(Or is it Six?)

** Edit: The turn sequence got a bit mixed up in the photo record but suffice to say turn six ended as such:

“Attack!” Shouts the Black orc barreling into the braced dwarf line atop his huge slavering boar. His eyes momentarily follow the goblins on wolves beat’n feet after having failed to break the thunderers to their flank and then the languid eyes of trolls ready to follow his command.
Puny night goblins at last obey and finish the remaining organ gun crew.

Trolls Join in the fun lurching towards the dwarfs remaining. A possibly erroniously redirected charge does few injuries to the warriors and the trolls flee, now disinterested in dwarven roast. Night Gob Shaman miscasts again and smoulders with a green smoke for a second time, but still otherwise fine.

Longbeards broken from hopeless combat, flee in the distance, and a lone Black Orc stays to pit his might against an entire unit of dwarfs. The trolls thought it was all a bit too much and decided to take a break.

In the end it was a Solid Victory for the Orc and Goblins! A pts difference that was only 150 away from a massacre.

Regrets about choices with his Gyro plagued the Dwarf General but it was rare to see a goblin bolt thrower crew wound it in combat. It never the less could have done more work with steam blasts than fisticuffs.

The Book of grudges recorded this day with a note for slayers…their numbers flattened, and an unpainted Gotrek who remained the last one standing shrugged in a sort of quiet acceptance, for their Doom was against a mighty Giant, wicked Chariot and more squigs than than could be easily counted…it was truly glorious to behold.

A blood soaked glory.

Goblin animosity was the bane of the Orc General but at the end of the day, victory was his despite a glaring lack of quality help.


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