The forces arranged for battle!
Skrolk and Mallus Darkblade each in their own retinue sworn to take each other down in glorious combat!
and are charged by a Dark Elf Sorcerer on a stupid cold one.
Doom Wheel long gone having fled the field turn three.
Cold one chariot charges the frenzied censer bearers.
Game ends turn 6 and the Skaven slaves are in the DE back Field. Mallus perished turn 4 to the Fetid powers of Lord Skrolk’s Rod of Corruption and Bell of a thousand poxes. Two pivotal break checks for Skrolk were both passed needing to beat a 6 and a 5. Skrolk had his BSB (that was within 11.5 “) to thank for re-rolls.
End result
Pts difference of ~1500 = A Massacre of the Dark Elves!
A re-match is imminent