The following army is a collection of out of the box, heavily converted and scratch built miniatures using bits from different manufacturers, toys, two part epoxy putty(Green Stuff) and…
Made over the course of three sittings this week. Materials include: salvaged XPS foam, 1/8" Hardboard, PVA, Wood Glue, Sand, Flock, paint, model trees for fun. Overall pretty happy…
Hand made buildings for our games in the "City of the Damned" a Fantastic skirmish game developed by Games workshop in the early 2000's and still played by thousands…
I made most of this stuff in 2019/2020 from XPS foam, sand and foamcore. The pillars of the temple are paper wrapped around carboard tube and painted(should have used…
Sometimes I build commissions for trades/sale and this was for some sweet sweet goblin blood, and squigs! Some materials include: An orange juice lid, shipping tube, wire, PVA, water,…